Friday, November 5, 2010

False Hope For False Gods And Fools

Aye, e'en as I cry in my dissolve, I wax poetic as if...

It's all a lie. It's all a bit marketing blitz to control us until we are too old to move. Redemption? HA! Karma!

I can see my Karma now. It's mostly negative. A great grey and black cloud, like the ones on TV that tornadoes come from. You can't run away from a cloud you know. They are so big, up in the sky, covering it from rim to rim. You can't run away. You just run around underneath it until you are really tired, and then you collapse on the ground, looking up at it, panting. BAM! You get hit by lightening. Or you hear a loud rushing sound, and you can't get up and run, because you are so tired. So the sound gets louder and louder and then you are picked up by a tornado and methodically beat almost to death against a dozen of your neighbors barns.

On the sides of the barns, giant leering faces of the people who have been sent as the instrument of karma's assault on your miserable existence. Here is the ironic silver lining of it all. I know I am not going to die any time soon. I now it deeply inside me. How do I know this? Too much negative karma. How can I be punished if I am dead? Nope. There is a long, painful, miserable life ahead of me. Wahoo.

Current stage is lots of pain and hopes being crushed and that sort of thing. Later, I will be alone and slink off into the woods somewhere, where I will be alone and lonely and hope to find peace. But that probably won't happen either, if the balance is still negative. If I have turned the corner and the balance is positive, then I will die just when I think I have a shot at a nice life out there.

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